Potty Training Fails!

Oh where do I begin! Potty training you read online can be completed in 3 days of all day trying! Let them run around naked, use the bathroom every 30 minutes, give them lots to drink, the list goes on…… we’ve tried everything. How come there isn’t a book on potty training while in terrible twos! I remember when my oldest son was 2 and we were trying to potty train him the doctors told us it’s either before 2 or after 3 no in between that was their rule! Well I’m determined to change that my son will be 3 at the end of July and I’m determined that I have bought the last box of diapers I will ever buy! Bye Bye Diapers, we have moved onto pull-ups! But even those I’m trying not to use so he gets used to going! Well let’s just say there have been plenty of clean ups and not just the number 1!!! Once we put him in a diaper he immediately goes he knows how to control him bladder he’s just stubborn! Oh Cheerios in the toilet trick yup we’ve done that, let’s pee pee race with daddy and brother yup check that one off the list! What other tricks are there? Stickers as rewards yup did that they say his favorite snack did that! How many parents have experienced the same things we are going through? I guess the best thing is patience when he’s ready he’s ready!

Here’s a potty trial from tonight we’ve read 3 books and he stayed there, but no success! 10 minute timer here we come once he hears the beep it’s time to go potty! We’ve ever got big boy undies for him to wear his cool cartoons, paw patrol, Spider-Man, minions you name it we’ve got it! But still no success! We always talk about how to accomplish these potty training tips, but no one really talks about the fails! Trust me we’ve had plenty of poopy on the carpet, ohhhhh the best one the other day pee pee on daddy’s PlayStation!!!!! That was fun! Well the 10 minute timer is up back to the potty we go wish us luck!!!!

10 Comments Add yours

  1. We just had our first… years away from this, but I am not looking forward to it :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mommy of Two says:

      Lol yes it’s the hardest time but funny too


  2. Ann says:

    oh my gosh. My daughter was the hardest child ever to potty train. And I was a preschool teacher for 16 yrs…she was the hardest out of the hundreds of kiddos I’ve had to help potty train! My son was super easy. He literally potty trained himself. hahahahahaha. He just started using the potty one day, after we watch a DVD about Elmo learning to potty. No joke. And he only had 2 accidents while he slept. I wish you luck while you ride the potty train!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mommy of Two says:

      Omg really and I heard girls were easier lol! I need to try that Elmo show for real lol! I’ll tell my husband to put it on! Thank you


  3. Potty training is really very difficult. I have been trying everything with my son but nothing is working out 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mommy of Two says:

      Me too! I guess time will tell and patience is key they will go! I found something that works setting a 15 minutes timer my son went twice yesterday shockingly!


  4. parentalspace123 says:

    Great article! Potty training was my least favorite parental duty!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mommy of Two says:

      Yes and I have to do it twice lol


  5. Jennifer Reyes says:

    Omg ! For me it was reading a book that worked ! Ugh! At first it was a disaster lol but we got through it !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mommy of Two says:

      Ya my oldest didn’t potty train till around 3-4yrs old! But my youngest now understands where he needs to go he knows when he has gone in his diaper, but refuses to go on the potty.


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